Hi there, you sexy superstar! Welcome back for another look in the CurioCabinet, your monthly dose of curiosity. The CurioCabinet is filled with objects that will make your head spin and that will bring a bit of curiosity to your life.
This month edition’s theme is: Seeing more than meets the eye.
Collaborative Fund — Betting on things that never change
The sexy way to innovation is to be the first one there and betting that the world will change. To be successful in that game, though, you need to have a firm grasp on understanding what will actually stay the same. Jeff Bezos — for a moment the week the richest man on earth — understood with Amazon that low prices and fast delivery would never go out of fashion.
Yours Truly — Stop trying to find your passion. You’re looking the wrong way
Purposes and Passions don’t start out fully baked. They’re developed over time by action, work and experiments. To “find” them, it’s more effective to look at the seeds that grow into a passion. So, rather, look at what interests you, gives you joy, and where your aptitudes lie!
I’m committing to putting out new blogs once a week. If you like them and want to help me reach more people, I really appreciate a like, share or recommend!
Josh Spector — How To See What Successful People See
Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress, calls it a “false dichotomy”. A choice presented falsely as just A or B. Josh Spector shares how George Lucas, Howard Stern, and Jonah Peretti were able to see a third option that generated success for them.
It starts with asking the question “What other options are there?”. A belief that they are there and a willingness to look.
Ramit Sethi — Productivity advice for the weird
New tools, inbox zero, working more. Productivity improvement often focuses on these quick fixes. Ramit Sethi completely flips it around though. The real gain is to be had by getting your foundation and psychology right. Not sexy, harder to do, but effective. Sleep more, nutrition and have the hard conversation to set boundaries.
The story of the quick fix is tempting, because it lets you off the hook. It says that you simply haven’t gotten what you want because you haven’t found the right solution. And not possibly because you haven’t made the time, put in the effort or prioritized it.
Ryan Holiday — Here Is How To Write A Book (with 2 Years of Exhausting Photographic Detail)
An insanely detailed look at the whole creative process that Ryan Holiday went through in writing his latest book Perennial Seller. No mystery. Just grind, progress in small steps and professionalism. Complete with notecards, editorial revisions and working desk and schedule.
Hope you enjoyed. If so, send me a quick reply! I’d love to hear it. And, send me the things that make your antennas of wonder go off! Maybe I’ll add them to the next edition.
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Masterclass: Aligning with Purpose; The Curious Way
August 25 Want to get more focus on what it is you want to do? On what your mission and motivation are? Want to get clarity on your next steps? Join this exciting and interactive masterclass!
#as-good-as-free It’s €29 for one, €29 for two. 10 spots left, so sign up quick!
Private Masterclass: Strategically Sound
September 22 Get your business’s strategy aligned with your goals. Figure out your Business Model. Understand the Financial Flows of your business. Make a plan for your business. More info soon.
Private Masterclass: Entrepreneurial Efficacy
**October 27 ** Stop procrastination. Get in touch with your Inner Force of Motivation. And learn how to build systems for smoother roads. More info soon.